Adams County Economic and Community Development (ECD) services are delivered through the County’s Development Department. The office assists existing businesses, recruits new businesses, oversees development, helps administer small business loan funds, manages housing rehabilitation and other grants, and acts as a catalyst for the development of the county’s infrastructure.
Economic and Community Development is dedicated to working in partnership with the people of Adams County to promote and maintain a safe and desirable living and working environment. We are a one-stop shop for development projects as well as property owners looking to improve and maintain the value of their neighborhoods.
The Economic and Community Development Department working within the guidelines of Federal & State statutes, promotes improved economy in Adams County to stimulate business and helps individuals and families meet their basic needs so all an can live in an environment to maintain dignity and achieve their highest potential.
The Economic and Community Development Department and its staff will be viewed by the public as the premier county agency committed to improve, sustain, and protect the health, welfare, and self-sufficiency of all county residents, enhancing every individual’s ability to contribute to family and community.
WE ACCOMPLISH OUR MISSION BY: Reaching beyond the confines of our building to promote accessibility for county residents to all programs administered by the Board. Collaborating with other community, state and federal resources and services through a network of referral systems to advance economic growth. Assessing individual circumstances to provide maximum benefits to eligible – business & residents in a timely and efficient manner. Linking individuals to training, employment programs, and support services that facilitate the transition to increased independence. Promoting compassionate delivery of services while maintaining program integrity through modern technology, staff development, education, and training.
We are always ready to serve you in any way possible and to protect the health, welfare, and self-sufficiency of all county residents.